In a heartbreaking incident at the anchorage of the Tema Port, two fishermen lost their lives early on Thursday morning after their canoe was reportedly rammed by a patrol speed boat. The unfortunate event has left the fishing community in shock and grief, while questions regarding the identity of the patrol boat continue to loom.
The victims have been identified as Francis Tetteh Larbi, 27, and Samuel Acquaye Allotey, 45, both residents of Tema New Town. They were among the 12 fishermen onboard a canoe named “Adesa Na Ohetsui” (Man, have patience). The canoe was reportedly engaged in a Homowo ritual fishing expedition, authorized by the Tema Traditional Council. However, conflicting reports suggest that the fishermen may have defied the closed fishing season, which is set to end on Monday, July 31, 2023.
Eyewitnesses from the fishing community have alleged that the patrol boat belongs to the Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority (GPHA). Nevertheless, the GPHA has denied these claims in a press statement, asserting that their patrol team was dispatched in response to a signal from port control regarding alleged illegal fishing activities within the anchorage.
According to sources, the fishermen were hauling their net when they spotted the approaching patrol boat and attempted to flee. Tragically, the patrol boat collided with the canoe, causing it to capsize. The nets became entangled with the deceased, leading to their demise. Additionally, some quantities of premix fuel onboard the canoe spilled into the sea during the incident.
The tragedy sparked anger and outrage within the fishing community, with calls for an independent investigation into the incident and demands for accountability from the Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority. Emotions ran high, leading to a near-brawl between the police and a crowd of people gathered at the Canoe Landing Basin where the bodies were recovered.
Superintendent Charles Osei, Commander of the Marine Police Unit in Tema, confirmed the incident and stated that investigations were underway to determine the identity of the patrol boat and the cause of the collision.
The Tema Metropolitan Security Committee (MESEC) has promptly responded to the incident by establishing a five-member committee to conduct a thorough probe. The committee comprises representatives from the Police Criminal Investigation Department (CID), Ghana National Fire Service, National Investigations Bureau, National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO), and the Tema Metropolitan Assembly. They have been given five days to submit their findings.
The Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority has expressed regret over the loss of life and extended condolences to the families of the deceased. The GPHA emphasized that it is a responsible organization involved in search and rescue missions, and it stands ready to aid victims, even if the incident involves their own craft.
As the investigation unfolds, the fishing community mourns the loss of two lives and seeks answers about the circumstances that led to this tragedy. The hope is that the truth will be uncovered, and appropriate measures will be taken to prevent such incidents in the future.