Veteran television broadcaster Kwaku Sintim Misa, often known by his stage moniker KSM, is requesting that the Ghanaian government have Accra’s Kotoka Airport’s name changed.
One of the key military planners behind the coup that deposed Ghana’s first president Kwame Nkrumah was Kotoka To.
Kotoka was assassinated by a group of young officers who attempted to usurp Kotoka’s men’s authority just over a year after they had overthrown President Nkrumah.
KSM contends that as the late Lieutenant General Emmanuel Kwesi Kotoka did not merit having the airport named after him, the name ought to be changed. He views the airport’s moniker as a stain on Ghana’s past.
The media celebrity thinks the name should be changed to “Accra International Airport,” which was its previous moniker. He claimed that he still stands by what he stated, despite the fact that some people would disagree with him.
AT THE RISK OF ANGERING MANY, my wish is to see the name of Kotoka REMOVED from the Airport. It's a DISGRACE to our History. HAPPY NEW YEAR
— Kwaku Sintim-Misa (@KSM_Kwaku_Misa) January 1, 2023