Belinda Ekuah Amoah, the renowned Ghanaian songstress known by her stage name MzBel, recently shared a surprising revelation about the origin of her hit song ’16 Years.’ During an exclusive interview on 3Music, MzBel disclosed that the inspiration for the song struck her while she was riding in a taxi.
The song ’16 Years’ became an instant sensation and remains one of MzBel’s most popular tracks. Known for its catchy tune and thought-provoking lyrics, the song addresses societal issues surrounding the girl child and rape. MzBel’s innovative and impactful approach to addressing these topics contributed significantly to the song’s enduring popularity.
During the interview, MzBel recounted the moment when the creative spark for ’16 Years’ ignited. She shared that she was riding in a taxi when she happened to hear a discussion on the radio about the girl child and rape, led by the iconic Ghanaian actress Maame Dokono. This discussion, which was both thought-provoking and emotionally charged, deeply resonated with MzBel.
“I was in a taxi when I came up with the lyrics. I used to stay with a lot of girls from James Town, so I watched how they talked and the way they behaved,” MzBel explained. She went on to describe how the commentary by Maame Dokono on the radio stirred her emotions and led her to reflect on the issues being discussed. “And Maame Dokono was always on the radio talking about rape, so we were in a taxi one day and we were listening to Maame Dokono, and I was watching how people were reacting to the stories and I came up with the song ’16 years,” she elaborated.
MzBel, now 43 years old, revealed that she immediately started jotting down her thoughts in the taxi, capitalizing on the wave of inspiration that had engulfed her. The unique blend of her personal experiences with the girls from James Town, coupled with the radio discussion, fueled her creativity. However, the process didn’t end there. “So I started writing in the taxi and when I got home, I built on it and that was it,” MzBel recalled.
The revelation that ’16 Years’ was born during a taxi ride offers a fascinating glimpse into the creative process of a talented artist. It underscores the unpredictable nature of inspiration and how it can be drawn from everyday experiences, conversations, and observations. MzBel’s ability to translate her thoughts and emotions into a powerful song that resonates with a wide audience is a testament to her artistry and skill as a songwriter.
As ’16 Years’ continues to hold a special place in the hearts of music enthusiasts and remains relevant in discussions surrounding societal issues, MzBel’s revelation adds an extra layer of depth to the song’s legacy. It serves as a reminder that impactful art can emerge from unexpected moments, sparking conversations and touching lives in profound ways.