Renowned actor Prince David Osei opened up about the arduous path he traversed to achieve stardom in the Ghanaian movie industry. Speaking at the third edition of the Graphic Showbiz Forum on July 25, the talented actor disclosed that his rise to fame was riddled with backstabbing, animosity, and deliberate attempts to derail his efforts by certain individuals within the industry who did not want him to succeed.
Despite facing challenges, Prince David Osei credited Ivan Quashigah, among others, for believing in his abilities and supporting him on his journey. However, behind the scenes, there were other film producers and influential individuals who worked relentlessly to undermine his progress. He mentioned that there were instances when certain industry figures, often the ones “calling the shots,” deemed him unfit for specific roles and snatched opportunities away from him.
“I felt unwanted in the movie industry. There was this feeling like ‘Where is he coming from?’ I felt that bad energy but all the victimization kept me going,” Prince David Osei expressed candidly during the event. The struggle he endured became evident when he shared the experience of getting cast for “The Dead” but faced mockery from people within the industry. This kind of treatment led him to face adversity on set, where he felt unwelcome and was denied creative freedom, even receiving criticism for the clothes he wore.
Moreover, the actor highlighted a period when his movies, along with fellow actress Martha Ankomah’s productions, were met with resistance, leading to a halt in sales at Opera Square, a popular marketplace for movies. The challenges he encountered could have easily crushed his dreams, but Prince David Osei’s unwavering eagerness and determination to succeed kept him moving forward.
Reflecting on his tumultuous journey, the “Fortune Island” actor offered valuable advice to aspiring actors. He urged them to stay resolute in their commitment and persevere despite the presence of deliberate saboteurs within the industry.
“It’s all about you attracting people. Don’t give up when you come face to face with these kinds of people who would sabotage you in the industry,” Prince David Osei emphasized.
The actor’s disclosure sheds light on the darker side of the movie industry, where competition, jealousy, and power struggles sometimes overshadow raw talent and potential. Despite these challenges, Prince David Osei’s success story is a testament to his tenacity and belief in himself, as well as the unwavering support he received from some quarters within the industry.