Ghanaian musician Patapaa Amisty, renowned for his viral hit track “One Corner,” has recently made headlines after hinting at the notion of a divine curse being placed upon Charterhouse, the organizers of the prestigious Vodafone Ghana Music Awards (VGMA). In a candid interview on Hitz FM, the artiste expressed his heartbroken disappointment over the 2018 VGMA ceremony, where he lost the Most Popular Song of the Year award to Fancy Gadam’s “Total Cheat.”
Patapaa disclosed that he believed God had imposed a curse on the VGMA organizers as a consequence of their actions during the awards ceremony. While he refrained from delving into specific details, he conveyed that this perceived curse was a form of punishment for causing pain to someone. The singer stated, “If I want to go far, then I will say this, when we say curse, it means you are being punished for causing pain to someone. I don’t want to say it.”
Patapaa’s allusion to the divine curse is linked to the 2018 VGMA incident when he was nominated for the prestigious award alongside other prominent musicians like Ebony, KiDi, Kwami Eugene, Joe Mettle, and Captain Planet. Despite his song “One Corner” gaining immense popularity and crossing over to other countries, he was left disheartened by the loss and openly criticized the VGMA awards board. Patapaa accused them of accepting bribes to honor artists who, in his opinion, did not deserve recognition.
During the interview, the outspoken artiste also cited the Amakye Dede controversy as an example of the alleged unfair practices within the VGMA. He claimed that Amakye Dede was allegedly coerced into crowning Kuami Eugene as his successor, even though he was not prepared to do so. This incident further fueled his belief that a curse might have befallen the VGMA organizers.
Despite the setback, Patapaa remains determined to continue his musical journey and is currently promoting his latest single titled “Agye.” The artiste’s passion for his craft is evident, and he has vowed not to accept any future nominations from VGMA, expressing his discontent with the integrity of the awards process.
The VGMA is one of Ghana’s most prestigious music awards ceremonies, celebrating the country’s vibrant music industry and recognizing outstanding talent across various categories. Patapaa’s comments have sparked discussions among fans, industry insiders, and the general public, highlighting the importance of transparency and fairness in such acclaimed award ceremonies.