renowned Ghanaian Gospel artiste Empress Gifty Adorye has recently acknowledged her colleague in the music industry, Ewura Abena, as the creative mind behind her chart-topping single ‘Awiey3 Pa’. The song, which has resonated deeply with listeners, holds a special place in Empress Gifty’s heart, not only for its musical prowess but also for the story of divine intervention behind its creation.
Empress Gifty Adorye, known for her uplifting and soul-stirring Gospel compositions, has always been a firm believer in following signs from God. According to her, these signs act as a guiding force in her decision-making and creative endeavors. During a challenging period in her life that demanded divine intervention, Empress Gifty turned to prayer, seeking a sign from the heavens. She affirmed, “It was very tough for me so I was praying and asking God for a sign. I am one person that works with signs. It’s a covenant that I have with God. If he doesn’t want me to do it, He gives me a sign. If it’s good for me, I’ll see a light.”
Speaking with Giovanni and AJ Sarpong on 3FM Drive, Empress Gifty shared the inspiring tale behind her hit single ‘Awiey3 Pa’. She revealed that the song was crafted by the talented Gospel singer Ewura Abena, whom she holds in high esteem. The fact that her colleague wrote the song added a special layer of significance to its creation. “’Awiey3 Pa’ was written by Ewura Abena. She’s so amazing. I got a text message of appreciation from her. I was so happy because for the 1st time, I have done something for a colleague and she is so happy about it,” she joyfully stated.
The journey of collaboration began when Ewura Abena shared the song idea with Empress Gifty. In her recollection, Empress Gifty explained, “She said ‘I have a song for you’ but when I asked if I could listen, she said no and said that she’d send it to me.” Ewura Abena had initially reached out to Empress Gifty’s producer, Shadrach Yawson, a week before, conveying her powerful composition. Excited about the potential of the song, Empress Gifty swiftly initiated its production, seeking divine confirmation along the way. “My producer, Shadrach Yawson, had told me a week before that Ewura Abena had sent him a song and it’s powerful. I asked that he send it to me and after listening, I reached out to my husband that we need to work on it quickly. He was in agreement provided I had gotten a sign from God. Everything was fast. I used 2 days to record the song after which my producer started the mixing. We put everything together and this is where God has brought us,” she recounted.
Empress Gifty emphasized that ‘Awiey3 Pa’ carries a message of divine timing and personal transformation. The song’s concept, beautifully portrayed in its accompanying video, reflects the narrative of God’s intervention in lifting her up from adversity. She shared, “‘Awiey3 Pa is a divine timing song. It’s a personal story. The concept depicted in the song and its video shows that out of nothing, God picked me. When I started music, I got a lot of negative comments from people but they didn’t know that God can change my story.”